Volle maan..

14 november 2016 - Tambon San Pu Loei, Thailand

Gek idee dat wij hier dezelfde maan zien als jullie maar wel een paar uur eerder... We zijn naar de tempel geweest. Bij de filmpjes een korte impressie van hoe het bidden eraan toe gaat.

De Thai zijn allesbehalve gesloten, ze betrekken je bij alles, gesprekken (waar je natuurlijk geen woord van begrijpt maar de sfeer pakt je wel), eten, wat ze ook aan het doen zijn en dat geldt ook voor hun geloof. Het is de tijd van o.a het Yi Peng festival, feest van de lichtjes, oogsten, het oude loslaten, een nieuw begin. Zijn de Thai altijd al gek op (kerst) lichtjes, nu is het helemaal aanwezig en morgen (in Chiang Mai) zal het helemaal een lichtfestijn worden. We waren van harte welkom in de tempel, geen woord begrepen van het bidden maar nogmaals, de sfeer spreekt boekdelen. Ook het offeren staat vrij voor iedereen. Daarna met elkaar alle kaarsjes aangestoken waarbij ieder voor zich z'n eigen kleine ceremonie kan houden. Na afloop kregen we nog een lift terug aangeboden ook dus daar zaten we weer achterin een truck.


Bij terugkomst eerst een klein glaasje witte wijn met de toepasselijke naam "Full Moon' gedronken met elkaar waarna we hier ook nog wat lichtjes ontstoken hebben. Lauren en ik hebben Yin/Yang gemaakt en Nadège en Valentin hebben het pad naar de school van lichtjes voorzien. Met die schitterende grote volle maan erboven werkelijk sprookjesachtig. Ik had op geen betere plek kunnen zijn, geen hoge gebouwen, vrijwel geen lichtvervuiling, wat een mazzel!


Altijd mooi om even stil te staan bij mooie teksten:

FULL MOON – SUPER MOON – October 15/16, 2016

[Moon_Full] Saturday, 15 October 2016 – 9:23 pm PDT (USA)
Sunday, 16 October 2016– 12:23 am EDT (USA)
Sunday, 16 October 2016 – 4:23 am UTC
Sunday, 16 October 2016 – 2:23 pm AEST (Australia)

Moon in ARIES  Sun in LIBRA
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression
Aries (Fire) – Leader, impatient, risk taker, action-oriented, outgoing
Libra (Air) – Romantic, indecisive, harmony, social, helpful

The mid-point of our 29 day lunar cycle is marked by the Full Moon.  During a Full Moon, the Moon is sitting opposite the Sun and is fully illuminated as it reflects the light of the Sun.

The Moon & the Sun emanate frequencies and these energy waves influence the tides, and all life forms on Earth, including human behaviour & consciousness.  In addition, during a Full Moon, both the Moon & Sun are opposing each other on opposite sides of the zodiac… which can make for a challenging or intense aspect of energy but also a very potent potential as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance.

The SUN represents our ‘outer-world’, our identify, our personality, our ego.  It represents how we ‘shine our light’ out into the world, the present moment, our yang or masculine archetype expression.  The Sun offers us strength, courage and illuminated insight of the Soul.

The MOON represents our ‘inner world’, our hidden emotions, desires, our shadow-self, fears/worries and our dreams.  It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, the past and our yin or feminine goddess archetype.  The Moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.

From New Moon to  Full Moon, the Moon ‘waxes’, gradually increasing in light and intensity.  Just as the moon grows in light, so do we… our own inner-light shines brighter and more luminescent as we awaken to a greater truth and grow spiritually.  Then as the Full Moon reaches its peak it is a time of celebration, a time to share our new found wisdom & love with others and a time to let go of aspects of self that no longer serve.

The Full Moon is a great time to connect in sacred ritual/ceremony with the light of the Moon.  The Lunar Light amplifies our intuition, gifts us insight through our dreams and deeply inspires us to be of greatest service.  This Light also provides a catalyst to let go, release out-dated beliefs and transmute aspects of self that are no-longer in alignment with your illuminated beauty of Soul.

During the ARIES FULL MOON, the moon is reflecting the light of the SUN in LIBRA.  Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and exudes a wilful independence, a pioneering spirit that presents as the feeling of anything is possible.. balanced with the Libran energy that encourages us to walk this path in harmony and maintain equilibrium.     This will be an ACTION oriented FULL MOON pushing you to find balance in your life.

Its great to have passion, insight and the drive and be a leading agent of change… but if you have been giving giving giving and find yourself depleted… this is the FULL MOON to re-evaluate your priorities and CHOOSE to give to & nurture yourself first ♡

Our ARIES FULL MOON is also a SUPERMOON… and the first in a SUPERMOON Trilogy… keep reading below to understand the energy and how to work with this weekends SUPERMOON.


[super-moon-micro-moon-apogee-perigee] Our October 2016 FULL MOON is a SUPERMOON… whereby the Moon is Perigee (close to Earth).   Our October SUPERMOON will thus appear slightly bigger & more luminous in the sky.
Read more about SUPERMOONS >

Due to the stronger gravitation pull of the Moon to Earth, the energy of this months Full Moon will be amplified, intense, with a twist of warrior energy adding to the fiery lunar mix.

Our October 15/16 Full Moon, marks the first of a trilogy of FULL MOON SUPERMOONS coming up over October, November & December 2016.  PLUS, according to EarthSky.org, the full moon on 14 November 2016 presents the closest supermoon of the year (356,509 km or 221,524 miles). In addition, our 14 November 2016 full moon will present the moon at its closest point to Earth thus far in the 21st century (2001 to 2100) and the moon won’t come this close again until the full moon of November 25, 2034.

With this HUGE amplification of SUPERMOON energy drawing 2016 to a close, we can expect the upcoming three months to bring about HUGE changes in your life…

As we countdown to the end of 2016, a universal 9 year in numerology… our October SUPERMOON (+ Nov & Dec SUPERMOONS) are paving the way for fresh wave of energy taking us into 2017.

Here is what we can expect during our October SUPERMOON & recommendations of how to make the most of the Lunar Vibrations:

REFLECT. Acknowledge how far you have come and reflect on your lessons/learnings this year, embracing the wisdom of the journey, then taking on board those learnings in order to prepare for a new cycle.
LET GO. I know, I know… it has been a long running theme this year and you have heard it all before… but these last 3 SUPERMOONS of the year are signally the ‘death’ before a cycle of ‘rebirth’ as we enter 2017, a universal 1 year in numerology… a time of new beginnings (I will write more about this in early 2017).
FORGIVE. Forgive yourself, forgive others… holding grudges only keeps you as the victim.  You may have found this year, as we dived deep through retrogrades, eclipses & last months (& this months) Black Moon.. that stuff from you past has been coming to the surface.  It is now time to finally let go, forgive and find closure, completion and reach a conclusion or resolution to situations or circumstances that have been dragging out for way too long now.
DETOX.  Be gentle with you and set aside time to care and nurture your body each day.  After a HUGE year of letting go, it is time to renew/refresh you cellular vitality and release the last remnants of e-motional stagnation deep within your cells.  Over the coming months maybe start your day with a little lemon juice in warm water, lush out on green-smoothies and if giving up coffee is a no-no… then at least add a little roasted dandelion… be kind to your liver it has worked hard this year ♡
RELATIONSHIPS.  With the Full Moon reflecting the light of the Sun in Libra this October 2016, RELATIONSHIPS are taking the stage this full moon.  Areas in your life where you have been giving giving & giving… and most probably feeling BURNOUT are to be addressed this Full Moon.  You will be inspired to re-write your story behind relationships and re-establish a new balance and harmony that nurtures YOU ♡ It is not your job to transform the world for others, but it is your job to transform it for you – Abraham-Hicks.
BE a WARRIOR & take ACTION.  With our October Full Moon in Aries, you will be inspired to ignite that inner-warrior and take a stand for what is important in your life.  Yes, it is a time to take ACTION and not sit on the side-lines waiting for that miracle to happen.  YOU are the creator of the miracles… so go for it !  There is no time like the present.

Overall, energy runs high during a SUPERMOON… you may feel more emotional, electric, experience sleep disturbances or have expressive / lucid dreams. You may also find your intuition is heightened, synchronicity more pronounced and you become more aware or sensitive to the energy of the environment / people / plants / animals… actually everything !

The best way to balance with this highly charged energy is to Earth yourself by walking bare foot on the ground, hiking in nature, swimming in a lake or the ocean or connecting with Crystals / Earths Crystalline Field.  PLUS eating whole LIVE foods will assist your detox and keep you in harmonic flow with nature.